
We inherit from the Creator and the creation; a child,
In whom resides all the latent strength and might.

Like the seed which has to be sown and nourished
The child too requires every care in order to flourish
Nature then provides us many inspirations unique
To learn about life as we proceed.

We inherit from the Creator and Creation; a child,
In whom resides innocence and purity deep inside
Who strives after birth and through the ages
To commune with Nature
And to be one with the earliest and eternal source of life.

Our birth is like the freshness of morning; is bright
Shining; in the early sun’s light
Endowed with all strength and might
We rejoice birth and begin our journey of life.

Blessed are all the creatures which Nature bears and bore
They uphold within a fountain of hope
Which to begin with toddles towards the destination
A slow steady and necessary transformation.

The experiences of childhood are like a flowing stream
The crystal-clear waters reflecting light’s every beam
Producing upon faces a shining gleam
The soft musical murmurs and slow building of the dreams.

Experiences of childhood produce a unique feel
Like the gentle breeze which fans the cheeks
Which when youth approaches
Becomes a storm full of uplifting energy
Inspiring within many new poetries and symphonies.

Like a bird we then begin to soar
Swim upon rivers and oceans
Even amidst thunderous uproars
We travel through the vales and cross
Climb any mountain and move across.

We then receive from Nature
The maturity of clouds and rains
Which beautifies the earth’s parched up lanes
Bringing purpose to mind’s innermost terrains
Reaching at last more thoughtful domains

We seek a meaning into our lives
Which like oceans carries a depth and is profound
Which like the skies is vast and
Like the stars continuously shine.

We reach a purpose of our lives
Which like the earth is divine
Supporting every aspect of life
Withstanding all the tests of time
Seeking progress and evolution with every stride.

Only then we realize, A truth which is sublime
Yet has the capacity to be rhymed.
We inherit from the Creator and creation; a child.